Competency Management Blog

Competency Management Blog

The Ultimate Guide to Competency Management

Competency Management is a process that involves outlining what skills an individual needs to perform to a set of requirements. In the workplace this often means employees being fully competent and skilled at their roles…

Components of Competency Management – The Big 3

Components of Competency Management – The Big 3

3 Critical Components of Your Competency Management Organizations are tasked with the challenge of retaining highly skilled employees in a rapidly growing and competitive market. They seek to improve performance and develop leaders within their business. Competency...

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Workplace Learning Podcasts

Workplace Learning Podcasts

How Podcasts Can Change the Way We Work Learning and career development are crucial parts of any organization.  Finding a delicate balance of technologies, learner needs, and preferences, while using new learning methodologies to deliver training that meets the needs...

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What is Competency-Based Training?

What is Competency-Based Training?

Benefits of An Automated Competency-based Training Program Are you looking for that competitive advantage in your business or to develop new talent? Need to know how to improve program effectiveness and exceed your organizational targets? A Competency-Based Training...

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Training Feedback: Completion Surveys

Training Feedback: Completion Surveys

Using a Survey Tool as a Completion Method in Competency Management U.S. businesses collectively spend more than $80 billion every year on training their employees. Additionally, global spending on training and development has increased by 400% in 11 years. However,...

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Soft Skills in the Workplace

Soft Skills in the Workplace

What are 7 essential soft skills and how do you hold your team accountable and track competency of these skills? Soft skills are personal attributes and desirable qualities that are essential for personal and career success. These skills make it easier to form...

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